Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mossberg: Five things I learned from Jeff Bezos at Code – The Verge

(Asa Mathat)

Welcome to Mossberg, a weekly commentary and reviews column on The Verge and Recode by veteran tech journalist Walt Mossberg, now an Executive Editor at The Verge and Editor at Large of Recode.

Last week, I interviewed Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on stage at our third annual Code Conference. It wasn't my first such public conversation with Bezos — we had done an earlier interview in 2008 at the D conference, the predecessor to Code. Bezos joked that he appeared at our conferences “every eight years like clockwork.”

Back in May of 2008, the Kindle was still quite new, and we focused on that. This time, the scope of Bezos's big ventures and interests was so broad that it couldn't be contained in the allotted 60 minutes. The audience — in the room and watching via streaming — seemed to love the session, and it wasn't because of me.