(Bloomberg) — Greece may request an extension of its loan agreement for six months, according to a person familiar with the matter, a step that could ease a standoff with creditors over the country's future financing.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's government intends to make the request Wednesday, the person told reporters in Brussels, asking not to be named as the deliberations are private. Talks are continuing between Greece and its international creditors on the conditions that would be attached to the extension of the loan accord, the person said.
Greece and euro-area members have been at odds over the formula used to extend the country's 240 billion-euro ($ 274 billion) rescue beyond its end of February expiry. Finance-minister level talks broke up on Monday evening in Brussels without another round being scheduled.
"Posturing aside, the differences between the positions of the Greek government and the euro area are not so difficult to bridge," George Pagoulatos, a professor of European politics and economy at the Athens University of Economics and Business, said by phone. "And both sides share a common interest in preventing the worst."
The euro rose 0.5 percent to $ 1.1412 as of 8:42 p.m. in Brussels.
New Accord
The lenders want an arrangement that resembles the existing deal, including economic reforms and fiscal prudence in return for aid, while Tsipras is seeking a new accord that would allow him to disassociate himself from budgetary measures enacted by previous governments which he blames for Greece's economic slump.
A Greek government official said in an e-mail response to the news that Greece will not accept ultimatums, and won't ask for an extension to the bailout program. Rather, it is examining the possibility of asking for an extension to the loan agreement, which it differentiates from the existing program terms, the official said.
Officials in Germany, the biggest country contributor to aid and the chief proponent of reforms in return, said they awaited more detail on what was being proposed by Greece.
"We'll first wait for the substance of the proposal before we comment," Steffen Seibert, Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief spokesman, said in a text message.
What Greece Wants
Frank Paul Weber, a Berlin-based spokesman for the German Finance Ministry, declined to comment on the report while saying that an extension has always been the ministry's position. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told reporters in Brussels earlier that "none of my colleagues has understood so far what Greece really wants in the end," and questioned "whether Greece itself knows."
A spokeswoman for Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who chairs meetings of his euro-area counterparts, said that they were waiting for the Greek side to make a decision.
Tsipras, addressing lawmakers of his Syriza party in Athens Tuesday, said that the draft statement his government was asked to endorse in Brussels was "provocative," and that prompted the collapse in the talks.
"They were asking us to implement all the measures of the bailout agreement, taking over from the point that the previous government left them, and proceed with moves like privatizations and accept unbearable primary budget surpluses."
Program Flexibility
Even as Greece's anti-bailout government says that it remains committed to balanced budgets, it wants to lower the current target of a 3 percent of gross domestic product surplus before interest payments by half. European officials including Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici have indicated that there may be some room for flexibility within the margins of the current rescue program for Tsipras's government to pursue its policies. They still insist though that Greece first agree to extend the agreement.
"If we want to avoid going into unknown territory, the only way is to have some time and some tranquility," French Finance Minister Michel Sapin told reporters in Brussels Tuesday. "That means the prolongation of the program. It's the only legal tool available."
Dijsselbloem said in Brussels that the negotiations shouldn't stumble over semantics. Greece needs to ask for an extension even if its political leaders don't want to call it that, he said.
'Only Chance'
Terminology is not the only problem. Greece's coalition has said that it wants to halt some state asset sales, raise the minimum wage and low pensions, rehire public servants who were dismissed and restore more rigid rules in the country's labor market. The country's creditors say that Greece hasn't secured financing for those pledges, which would also make the country's economy less competitive.
Ingrid Arndt-Brauer, a lawmaker who chairs the cross-party Finance Committee in the German parliament, the Bundestag, said the commitment to an extension "was the only chance left open to Greece" and one that "must be grasped."
"Certain things will necessarily be tied to a six-month extension: the institutions must play a role and the conditions of the current help must apply," she said by phone. "Then the Bundestag can approve the extension and the six months can be used to create a new contract with other conditions."
To contact the reporters on this story: Jonathan Stearns in Brussels at jstearns2@bloomberg.net; Brian Parkin in Berlin at bparkin@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Alan Crawford at acrawford6@bloomberg.net Paul Gordon
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