Monday, February 16, 2015

Greek Government Official Says No Accord Possible at Eurogroup – Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) — A euro-area proposal for Greece to observe its existing bailout commitments is "absurd" and "unacceptable," a Greek government official said.

The official, who insisted on not being further identified, issued an e-mailed statement as euro-area finance ministers met in Brussels and reviewed a draft text regarding the Greek conditions.

"The insistence of some circles that the new government enforce the memorandum is absurd and unacceptable," the statement said in reference to the existing aid agreement. "The implementation of the memorandum was taken off the table at the summit. Those who bring it back are wasting their time."

The statement continued: "With these facts, there can be no agreement today."

To contact the reporter on this story: Nikos Chrysoloras in Athens at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Fergal O'Brien at Kevin Costelloe, Ben Sills


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