Saturday, June 27, 2015

Greek govt to closely coordinate with ECB over banks – Reuters

Greece’s government will continue working closely with the European Central Bank and the country’s central bank to ensure banks are stable, the deputy prime minister said in a tweet on Saturday after a meeting with ECB chief Mario Draghi.

Greeks lined up at automated teller machines to withdraw cash on Saturday after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called a referendum on a bailout agreement, throwing the country’s future in the euro in doubt.

Deputy Prime Minister Yanis Dragasakis wrote on Twitter: “Following today’s meeting with Mario Draghi in Brussels, Yannis Dragasakis and (Greek negotiator) Euclid Tsakalotos said that the government will continue working closely with the ECB and Bank of Greece for the stability of the country’s banking system.” (Reporting by Karolina Tagaris, Writing by Deepa Babington)


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