Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How Tim Cook’s Apple conquered the world –

There are certain universal rules: birds fly, politicians lie, Apple makes money. In the last three months of 2014, the firm behind the iPad and iPhone increased its profits by 37 per cent, to $ 18 billion – the largest ever recorded by a public company. To get an idea of just how ridiculously large that figure is, that's more than six times as much as Google made in the same period.

In other words, Apple isn't just first among equals. It's first, full stop. Not only is the firm from Cupertino, California, larger than the five biggest companies on the FTSE 100 combined, but it could buy any one of them (or even two or three of them) with the change in its pocket.

This awesome capitalist success story is mostly based on the fact that Apple is very, very good at making and selling smartphones. The new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus – Apple's first attempt to copy the larger screen sizes of its rivals – proved hugely popular, shattering analysts' expectations by selling the equivalent of 34,000 an hour worldwide. They went down especially well in the Asian market: alongside a tie-up with China Mobile, they helped Apple leap from nowhere to first place in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, US revenue from its App Store has eclipsed Hollywood's box office.

Adjusted for inflation, Apple is not quite the largest company in modern history: that honour goes to Nineties-era Microsoft. But it's pretty close. Even its few blemishes, such as a fall in iPad sales, can be attributed to its having already sold them to most of the people on the planet who might want them.

But their very success raises two intriguing questions. First, can Apple keep the profit coming? And second, is profit all that the firm's about?

On the face of it, that second question might seem a bit strange: the purpose of any company is, fundamentally, to increase value for its shareholders. But in Silicon Valley, that's not enough. To be one of the cool kids, you have to have a sense of mission, too.

Under Steve Jobs, its charismatic co-founder, Apple certainly had a mission. On returning to the firm in 1997, after a 12-year absence, he turned his struggling firm from also-ran to world-beater by focusing on bringing high-end design to the masses. His devices – the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and then the iPad – not only looked beautiful, but worked beautifully.

Today, much of Apple's DNA is the same as under Jobs. Jonny Ive, his pet designer, is more powerful than ever, imposing his rigorous aesthetic standards (after various internal battles) not just on the firm's hardware, but on its software too. Tim Cook, the logistical genius who built up Apple's manufacturing operations, has proved a hugely impressive chief executive, doubling the company's size. But his strategy has been a case of pressing down on the accelerator rather than rethinking the road map.

Every second Apple makes a profit of £1,528

Since you started reading this, Apple could have earned …

Apple is not only secretive and introverted, but relatively cautious. Unlike many of its big Silicon Valley rivals, it does not talk of self-driving cars, or bringing high-speed broadband to every corner of the planet, or going into space, or vanquishing hunger, or conquering death. It merely makes ever thinner, faster and more desirable devices, locking consumers into an endless and profitable cycle of buy-envy-upgrade.

It does not even – in an industry obsessed with "scale" – seem to care particularly about making its devices ubiquitous. Yes, it sells an awful lot of iPhones. But other people, such as Samsung of Korea and Xiaomi of China, sell tens of millions, too. What marks Apple out is its profitability. Cook could, if he wanted, take a much larger share of the global market by lowering his prices: due in large part to the vast economies of scale that Apple's size affords, its profit margin is an astonishing 39.9 per cent. But he seems perfectly happy to keep the iPhone as a luxury product, secure in the knowledge that its design quality, its brand and the power of its App Store ecosystem will keep users handing over twice what they would pay elsewhere. The same strategy has seen the iPad conquer the tablet market, and the Macbook Air become the world's most desirable laptop. Unlike its rivals, Apple only makes a few products: but each one is the very best there is.

The question is: where does Apple go from here? When the iPad was launched, many derided it: what use did we have for an iPhone that was too large to fit in our pockets, and didn't actually work as a phone? Jobs proved the doubters wrong, filling a niche that we never knew was there. But can the same really be true of the forthcoming Apple Watch? The firm's first new product for years is intended to sit on our wrists and run our lives, monitoring our vital signs as well as our Twitter accounts. But many would argue that our phones already fill do the job perfectly well.

Part of the problem in keeping up the momentum is Apple's sheer size. A product that would be a blockbuster for any other company will register as barely a blip on its earnings chart. To keep its growth going, Apple has to place its new devices – whatever they may be – in tens of millions of homes (and then persuade those customers that, actually, they weren't that good after all, at least compared with the shinier, newer model released six months later). It also prefers to dominate a market segment, as opposed to just competing in it. That may be why the longstanding rumours of an Apple television set remain just that: it's hard to see the company either making enough money, or grabbing enough of the market, for it to be worth its while.

Yet there's also a widespread feeling that the tides of technology are turning against Apple – that its business model sits uncomfortably with the way the web is going. The big idea now is that the internet is basically disappearing, moving from something accessed via bespoke screens to something embedded into everything around us, with fridges and phones and ovens and televisions and kettles constantly talking to each other in an invisible babble of wi-fi signals.

Tim Cook announcing the Apple watch last year

Alternatively, Apple's dominance could be disrupted by new innovators. People are talking glowingly of Xiami's new smartphones, for example. And the foundation stone of Steve Jobs's success, Apple's control of the music market via the one-two punch of iPod and iTunes, is weaker than ever, as streaming services such as Spotify or sites such as YouTube render its pay-per-song model passé.

But people have been predicting Apple's long-term demise for quite a while. Jobs, for example, was told that the web wanted to be open – and that his "closed" model, in which Apple devices only talked to Apple devices and Apple-compatible software, would be anathema to consumers. Instead, like Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook, he profited from the fact that people were willing to sacrifice freedom for seamless convenience.

The same is true of Tim Cook. With his latest initiative, Apple Pay, he is attempting to put his company at the heart of the way we spend: to make it so that the iPhone, which already fulfils so many other functions, becomes our debit card – and doubtless eventually our bank account – as well.

The ultimate idea is that his customers won't just buy Apple products, but live the Apple life. Effectively, a significant tranche of the global population (and very probably the richest and trendiest tranche) will be paying a tithe to Cupertino in exchange for being able to use what Cook described, in his presentation to analysts this week, as "the greatest products on earth".

That may not be as exciting as talking about space elevators or virtual reality. But with $ 187 billion in the bank and ownership of Apple's devices increasingly synonymous with membership of the global middle class, Tim Cook's not exactly going to care.


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