The Federal Aviation Administration has released its long awaited proposals for operating small commercial drones. VPC

Video Transcript

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00:03 The Federal Aviation Administration has released its long awaited proposed
00:07 set of rules governing small commercial drones. Those rules would allow
00:12 drones weighing up to 55 pounds to fly in the daylight
00:16 within sight of their pilots. Drones could go no higher than
00:20 500 feet and no faster than 100 miles per hour. Pilots
00:24 would have to be at least seventeen years old. Pass an
00:27 aeronautical knowledge test and obtain an operating certificate. It would also
00:32 have to avoid manned aircraft and discontinue any flights that could
00:36 threaten other aircraft. So that means staying away from airports in
00:40 restricted airspace the FAA’s proposal is up for sixty days of
00:45 public comment but it could take well over a year for
< span class="text-transcript-caption video-transcript-caption" data-track="transcriptclick" data-startoffset="48.09" data-startoffset_display="00:48" data-duration="2.02"> 00:48 those comments to be analyzed.